Nashville Adores Eighteen Hummingbirds

Nashville is full of so many talented people and the energy around town reverberates between the buildings and streets.  You can’t miss them, from the artists and musicians, to the restaurateurs and chefs, and of course all the people that keep Nashville a safe and thriving city. However, there is one group behind the scenes that is the soothing soul of Nashville – those that write life and a story into words.

Let me introduce you to Trisha Holland, a true Tennessee girl.  She was a singer in Music City for many years and now later in life, writing became a newfound love and goal. It seemed the loss of family and friends weighed heavy on her heart until she found a way to process her feelings through songs, poetry, and original quotes.

Holland found comfort in believing that the universe takes care of everyone that moves on and takes care of those that are still here.  She didn’t look for signs, but the signs were certainly there providing confirmation that everyone in the universe stays connected no matter what.  Holland’s book, Eighteen Hummingbirds, is a small gift book and a labor of love that was published after she became parentless. It tells the story of what happened the day her mother’s body was taken away to be cremated and how the hummingbirds came to comfort her. 

The poetry, quotes, and lyrics in this book, mean something different to every person who reads them.  One of Holland’s favorite quotes in the book is, “Let go of what needs to sail in a different wind.”  She and her family were walking along the beach when they came across a damaged sailboat that had washed up on the shore.  Her niece captured a beautiful photo of Holland holding onto the boat while the wind was whipping up huge waves.  When Holland saw the photo she thought, “Now, there’s something you should let go of. Thank goodness the family on the boat let go and got to safety.” But letting go isn’t always easy! After reading the book, so many people have conveyed how much her words meant to them as they too had things they were holding onto they wished they were freed from. 

Let go of what needs to sail in a different wind

Holland has also penned many songs throughout her career.  One song titled “Ashes of a Soul,” she quietly sang as her mom’s ashes floated away.  “Those words were so special,” she said. “As I wrote the bridge to that song, I heard my mom’s favorite tune playing in my head and felt comforted.” 

I’m letting go of everything but your soul
And on a rainy day when I’m alone
I can’t even write a song 
I’ll hear your favorite melody
My heart will know for certain 
Your soul didn’t let go of me
I’m letting go of everything but your soul

Taking a nod from the universe, Holland has allowed herself to write and sing from her heart.  She is now working on a second book, a short story, and screen play due out the fall of 2020.  Along with local book signings, she had a signing at the famous Sundog Books in Seaside, Florida, which was a dream come true.  

You may follow Holland on Instagram @hollandtrisha1 and Facebook @trishaholland.  Eighteen Hummingbirds is available on Amazon, Barnes and NobleDuck River Books in Columbia, TN, and available for wholesale.   

Feel free to send her an email, she’d love to hear from you: